A door lock often symbolizes the emergence of difficulties that take you away from the realization of your desires. The dream means the inability to do what we want. In addition, the door lock represents difficulties that we can overcome quickly. This is a sign that you will have to fight for your desires.

What Does It Mean to Dream of a Door lock?
To see a door lock signifies that you will realize that there is nothing to be gained from further conflict with a certain person. This reflection will make you decide to reconcile with your adversary, but you will live by the saying that you keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.
Opening the door lock is a positive sign that promises a better future. You cope perfectly with all adversities. You are motivated and your financial situation is doing well. In addition, the dream may mean that you will be at a crossroads, and the decision you will make will be important for your future. In this situation, you should listen to your intuition.
If in a dream you are unable to open the door lock, it means that you should look for another solution to your problems. In addition, in other meaning, such a dream may indicate that you will discover a secret about your partner. It is possible that this discovery will hurt you greatly and will cast doubt on your future together.
When the door lock jams, such a dream most often means that the actions you have taken will end in complete failure. In another sense, the dream may mean that your subconscious mind is warning you to stop hiding your feelings.
Picking a door lock with a lockpick usually suggests that you are poking your nose unnecessarily into things that are not your business. Alternatively, in a positive sense, such a dream means that a friend will give you the necessary help in getting rid of the problem.
A locked door lock most often indicates that you cannot escape from something that still limits you. It's time to face your problems and limitations. Only in this way will you be able to look into the future without looking back at every step.
Locking the door lock indicates that you are afraid of being hurt, so you are shutting yourself off from the world and alienating other people. You have completely withdrawn into yourself and do not let anyone in. This behavior starts to worry people around you, but you don't let them in either. You will start working on yourself better before it turns into the beginning of depression.
When you are unable to close the door lock, this dream most often means that you have some problems communicating with your partner. This may be due to a different worldview or different ambitions. There are some differences between you that at first seemed insignificant, and now they are irreconcilable. If you want your relationship to last for many years, you need to work out a compromise that is beneficial to both parties.
Fixing the door lock suggests that you should have more faith in your abilities. If you want something, go for it instead of questioning your dreams. Always try to think positively and strive for the goal at all costs.
A padlock in a dream indicates a great sense of security and self-confidence. This is a sign that you know what direction you want to go. In addition, the dream may suggest that you should think about increasing your qualifications, or even re-industry if the industry in which you work is experiencing a major crisis.